Mud, Blood & Darkness

Australian War Writing

  • kenniscentrum
  • lezing


Onder de titel "Gateways to the First World War" organiseren het In Flanders Fields Museum en de Universiteit van Kent (School of History) in het academiejaar 2019-2020 een reeks van acht seminars.
De lezingen vinden plaats op donderdagavond en zijn gratis toegankelijk
voor alle geïnteresseerden. De voertaal is Engels.

De vier lezingen die doorgaan in Ieper vinden plaats om 19u
in de leeszaal van het In Flanders Fields Museum, Sint-Maartensplein 3.


An elegy of mud, blood and darkness
Australian war writing and the third battle of Ypres
Matt Haultain-Gall (Université Catholique de Louvain)

‘The year 1917 had been one of disaster for our arms in all save the Messines attack’ wrote the Australian ex-serviceman G.D. Mitchell in Backs to the Wall. Few of his comrades would have disagreed. The Australian Imperial Force (AIF) lost far more men in the battles for Bullecourt (France), Messines and Passchendaele than at their 1915 baptism of fire in the Dardanelles or their infamous 1916 engagements at Fromelles and Pozières. Consequently, 1917 and the third battle of Ypres especially – the bloodiest of the AIF’s 1914–18 campaigns – sat uneasily within the dominant interwar narrative of the Great War in Australia, the Anzac legend, which drew unabashedly on the language of high diction, emphasizing the elements of honour, bravery, sacrifice and salvation. Analysing the writings of returned men published during the interwar period, this paper will explore the various strategies Australian writers used to reconcile the traditional Anzac legend with notions of futility that permeated their accounts of the third Ypres campaign.