Friends of the In Flanders Fields Museum

Our Story

The Friends of the In Flanders Fields Museum - for the friends: the Viffs - endorse the mission and support the functioning of the museum and the knowledge centre. Moreover, the Viff's contribute to the museum programme through their own activities. They organise commemorative events, walks, excursions and trips at home and abroad. Their journey into the past of the First World War follows the traces of mankind in times of war, and along the way they search for the mechanisms of war and peace, to show the meaning of this past for the world today.

wHO ARE THE viffs

Program & Activities

The first outing of VIFF took place on 2 March 2002. The Friends then went to Delft to visit the temporary exhibition Music, War and Peace. Since then many activities, visits and outings have followed, as well as the annual Redmond Walk in the early morning of 7 June.

WELCOMEIn addition, the Friends provide a sustained program of Remembrances for individual victims of the First World War. These take place at the grave, on the date of death, on the occasion of a visit by relatives, or as the conclusion of an investigation. The Viff's would be pleased to receive your suggestions for the interpretation of this memorial program.


West Yorkshire Police Band
10 November 2023

Gunner William O'Marr

+ 22.10.1917

  • Boezinge
  • remembrance

Because of the recent restoration of the Yorkshire Trench & Dugout site and the crowdfunding for its preservation, the Friends ...


  • free admission to the permanent exhibition
  • free admission to all temporary exhibitions
  • IFFM yearbook at preferential price
  • quarterly VIFF magazine
  • 10% discount on all purchases in the museum shop
  • invitations for all IFFM and VIFF activities
  • invitations for all activities of the City Museums of Ypres

Becoming a member

For an annual membership you transfer 35 € (of which 5.00 € for the Koen Koch Fund) to the bank account below. Membership starts on the date of your transfer and is valid for all family members living at the same address.

IBAN: BE62 0910 2237 1461


Research Centre IFFM
ftao. VIFF
Sint-Maartensplein 3
B-8900 Ieper

VIFF magazine

VIFFmagazine is the quarterly magazine of and for members. Besides a guest article, each issue contains personal stories of war victims, testimonies and excerpts from diaries, book reviews, impressions and poetry, and news about past and future activities.


In April 2002, the first edition of the members' magazine was published, which in the meantime has developed into a full-fledged magazine. A handy index describes all articles and their authors, and links to the online version of the respective magazine issue.

all volumes


Jan Breyne (Editorial Director), 
Marc Dejonckheere, Ludwich Devlieghere, Gilbert Ossieur, Patrick Rapoye, Geert Spillebeen and Pieter Trogh.

Publisher: Gilbert Ossieur, Wieltje 11, 8900 Ieper
Design: Manu & Zonen

Suggestions and contributions are welcome via the editorial staff. Authors are responsible for their text. Reproduction in whole or in part requires the author's consent.


The Friends of the In Flanders Fields Museum (abbreviation: VIFF) was founded as an actual association in Ypres on 5 February 2002. Since 22 January 2014, the association is a VZW (company number: 0546606480).



Volunteers of the Research Centre become Viffs, and Viffs can become volunteers! For all its assignments, the Research Centre can count on an enthusiastic team of volunteers on a daily basis. They contribute ...


Koen Koch Fonds

The Friends of the In Flanders Fields Museum manage a study fund that is named after their regretful friend, professor Dr. Koen Koch (1945-2012). With a part of the membership fees or with donations ...

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